Taylor University’s healthcare offerings just got even stronger. The Indiana State Board of Nursing has granted initial accreditation for the University to move forward with its Bachelor of Science in Nursing (BSN) program after more than a year of planning and investing.
“Taylor has a long history of preparing the next generation of health practitioners,” said Jewerl Maxwell, University Provost. “Adding nursing significantly expands our opportunity to send more servant-leaders into healthcare settings around the world with compassion and integrity.”
The Board’s decision will enable Taylor to select its inaugural nursing cohort next semester.
“We believe nursing is more than a profession,” says Karen Elsea, Dean of Nursing and associate professor as well as a registered nurse (RN) herself. “This is a calling to care for the whole person—body, mind and spirit. Nursing faculty will teach using a faith integration model that incorporates a Christian worldview. And we will be emphasizing a health promotion mindset that is already a key element of our existing programs like Taylor’s Invitation Program which offers students hands-on experience in providing preventive health care to local community members."
The new degree program will provide world-class preparation and experiential learning in the generously-funded and newly-renovated Nussbaum Science Center. The facility contains a replication of a hospital floor including medical equipment, patient care supplies, and lifelike high-fidelity manikins.
“We have two large nursing skills labs and patient simulation rooms with sophisticated observation stations so students can be monitored outside the training rooms while practicing realistic healthcare scenarios,” explains Elsea. “It’s the next best thing to a real hospital room and patient care facility so that Taylor students are ready to meet the needs of patients from the outset.”
For clinicals, Taylor is partnering with Parkview Health, a regional provider with 14 community hospitals.
Taylor hosted the Board of Nursing for its accreditation site visit on September 10th. In the Board’s report, Taylor was praised for its extensive planning, significant support from alumni and donors, hiring of experienced nursing faculty, and extensive resources to aid in student success. National accreditation will follow by December 2026.
Learn more about Taylor’s new School of Nursing here.
State-of-the-art classrooms and skills labs in Nussbaum Science Center