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Engineering Program

Part of the Physics & Engineering Department

Designing and Building Your Future

Grow as a professional and individual through Taylor’s ABET-accredited Engineering Program. Wherever God is calling you after graduation—the engineering industry, healthcare, education, or the mission field—our outstanding faculty will mentor you and help you prepare for your career. You will experience rigorous curriculum, project-based learning, and work with cutting-edge technology to prepare for a future in engineering.

Our students have conducted graduate-level research for NASA Goddard Space Flight Center and the Air Force as undergraduates; participated in projects like a well-drilling ministry in Central America, taken part in prestigious summer internships at major labs such as Stanford Linear Accelerator Center, Argonne National Lab, Fermi Lab, and the Mayo Clinic; and been hired by world-renowned companies like CERN and RT Logic.

Taylors engineering program is accredited by the Engineering Accreditation Commission of ABET

On April 8, 2024 at 3:08 pm, Taylor University will experience a total eclipse. To celebrate this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity, the Physics & Engineering Department is hosting special educational events for 6th-12th grade students, alumni, and other community visitors. Learn more about this special experience!

Engineering Lab

At Taylor, you’ll have access to a wide array of Euler Science Complex’s state-of-the-art equipment and analysis and design software. In addition to using the tools for in-class projects, students can use the machine shop, wood shop, and electronics lab to complete research and projects on virtual reality, 3D printing for habitable structures on Mars, solar cars, satellites, nano-satellites, and muscle biopsy.

Check out some of the Physics and Engineering equipment and software packages that our majors learn to use:


  • Solar power conversion lab bench
  • CO2 cutter and engraver
  • 3D printer
  • Fully equipped machine shop and wood shop
  • Single-photon detection apparatus
  • Well-equipped electronics lab with oscilloscopes, function generators, multimeters, and power supplies


Various tools, including tool chain for:

  • Atmel micros such as the ATmega family
  • Microchip PIC processors
  • Cypress PSoC processors
  • ATmega based Arduino platform
  • Programming environments


Engineering students are required to complete a practicum to earn a BS in Engineering degree. Our students are prepared to complete their practicums at a variety of high-profile companies, including:

  • NASA Jet Propulsion Lab 
  • Cadence Design Systems 
  • GE Aviation 
  • Aptiv 
  • New Eagle 

Faith-Centered Learning

God, the ultimate Designer, created us in His image with great love and care and we get the great privilege to image God to the world through our character, gifts, and roles. As engineers, we reflect the Great Designer as we build systems, solve problems, and conduct research that honors God and serves our community.

Christ-centered learning fuels our classroom discussions, our approach to teamwork, and our goals that undergird the major projects that Engineering students work on. We seek to integrate biblical and industry knowledge to engage in conversations regarding the ethics of technology, approach teamwork gracefully, and pursue projects that glorify God and serve humanity.

Department News

Taylor University to Host Eclipse Viewing Event Thumbnail

Taylor University to Host Eclipse Viewing Event

Mar 14, 2024

To take part in this once-in-a-lifetime event, Taylor alumni, family, and friends as well as groups of 6th-12th grade students and homeschool families will be hosted on campus. 

Taylor Student Magnifies Joy Thumbnail

Taylor Student Magnifies Joy

Feb 12, 2024

Brayden Gogis '26, a Mechanical Engineering and Biochemistry double-major in his second year at Taylor, has set out to help others better evaluate areas of joy in their lives.

Summer Research Projects Grow Depth of Knowledge Thumbnail

Summer Research Projects Grow Depth of Knowledge

Oct 26, 2023

Most classes may have been out for the summer, but faculty-mentored research projects in music, biology, biochemistry, engineering, and more were in full swing across campus.

Faculty & Staff

Profile image of Danielle Nobles-Lookingbill

Department Chair

Danielle Nobles-Lookingbill

Department Chair and Assistant Professor of Engineering

Profile image of Rob Cartwright

Rob Cartwright

Physics & Engineering Lab/Resource Manager

Profile image of Lara Horsley

Lara Horsley

Computer Science & Engineering, Systems, and Physics & Engineering Program Assistant

Profile image of Kenneth Kiers

Kenneth Kiers

Professor of Physics

Profile image of Alex Roth

Alex Roth

Assistant Professor of Engineering

Profile image of Peter Staritz

Peter Staritz

Associate Professor of Physics & Engineering