Faculty members at Taylor University are not only skilled professors, but also experts in their field. Alice Tsang, Professor of Finance in the Business Department at Taylor, was featured as an “Expert Opinion” in a WalletHub piece about Best Personal Loans.
Dr. Tsang was asked, “What do you think of the opinion that not having a personal loan is the best personal loan?” When considering taking out a personal loan, Tsang encourages readers to take a personal inventory by asking themselves if the loan is necessary and if they have the ability to repay the loan. She explains the differences between borrowing for investment and borrowing for consumption and helps the reader parse out whether the loan is justified. Tsang also explains Debt to Income ratio to help readers assess their ability to pay back a loan.
When asked for advice in finding the best personal loan, Tsang highlights a few tips including establishing a strong credit profile long before borrowing, doing your homework before applying the loan, borrowing only the amount you need and only for the right purpose, understanding the terms of the loan agreement, and avoiding payday and tax refund loans.
Tsang’s knowledge of financial literacy helps individuals make smart financial decisions and teaches Taylor students to handle money in a responsible and God-honoring way.
WalletHub is a personal finance company that creates tools and other resources to help consumers live financially healthy lives. Over 80 million visitors access the site each month.