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Two students practice taking blood pressure

Health Science & Preventive Medicine Camp

Learn the basics of biomedical research and preventive medicine with this immersive, hands-on camp. Students interested in pre-med and health sciences gain experience participating as “patients” and “practitioners/researchers” in all assessments. Friday afternoon will feature a showcase of their learned skills.

Cost: $550

Dates: June 9–14

What will Health Science & Preventive Medicine Camp be like?

In just five days, you will learn:

  • To use panoramic ultrasound to assess muscle wasting from cancer or sarcopenia.
  • To conduct a graded exercise test, and monitor EKG for cardiac patients.
  • To determine risk for heart attack by assessing vascular compliance.
  • To assess chronic obstructive pulmonary disease with pulmonary function testing.
  • To test neuromuscular function through targeted volitional sway assessments.
  • To evaluate information processing speed through neurocognitive assessments.
  • To examine biomarkers of inflammation, stress and brain health.
  • What lifestyle medicine looks like in a clinical context at Taylor’s diabetes prevention program.
  • Physical therapy concepts and skills through observing a licensed physical therapist and TU faculty member.

Faith in Action at Health Science & Preventive Medicine Camp

As believers, we understand that our bodies are a gift from God. But most of us haven’t really been taught that God wants us to take care of our bodies. At Health Science & Preventive Medicine Camp, you’ll explore our responsibility to use our physical wellbeing for God’s glory, and how to coach others to do the same.